The Radiant Blog

How to Buy a Car From a Private Seller

Choosing to buy a car from a private seller can be a good option if you have your eye on a particular model or you are looking to save some money. Let’s take a look at the benefits and risks of buying a car from a private seller and how to go about finding, negotiating, and financing a private car sale. ...Read More

Back to School: How to Talk to Kids About Money

When we think of back to school, we think of what our kids will learn to set themselves up for success as adults. Among these is understanding finances and managing money. Parents may question the best time to start teaching kids about money and many experts answer - the sooner the better. Kids can learn a lot watching their parents, especially watching the preparations at the beginning of the school year. What they see can set a pattern for life. Everyone looks forward to new beginnings, even as we continue to manage the challenges the pandemic provides. Now is a great time for the whole family to establish new habits. ...Read More

5 Tips to Jump Start Your Savings

It’s human nature. We’re all wired to meet our immediate wants, whether it’s indulging in a tempting bowl of ice cream, spending too much time scrolling through social media, or treating ourselves to an impulse purchase. ...Read More

How Are Auto Loans Calculated?

Buying a car can be one of the most expensive purchases you make. If you decide not to pay cash outright, you might stop to think about how auto loans are calculated. ...Read More

Will Used Car Prices Drop in 2022?

Inflation has been raging in the American market for a while now. In addition to gas prices going up, many people looking to purchase a car have seen auto prices skyrocket as well. Even used cars that are not in the best condition are commanding hefty payments that seem simply unfair. ...Read More

The Hidden Cost of Home Delivery

The ease and convenience of home grocery delivery and meal delivery services can be a lifesaver as people continue to manage through COVID - especially for the homebound or those with high-risk health conditions. Food delivery is also essential for households without transportation, and helpful to anyone who decides that home grocery and meal delivery are services that meet their needs. ...Read More

Saving Money at the Grocery Store

With prices rapidly rising on everyday items, perhaps your savings plan has gone by the wayside. These tips will help you find more money in your budget – starting with saving at the grocery store. ...Read More

Here are the 3 Best Ways to Spend Your Home Equity Loan (HELOC)

A home equity line of credit, or HELOC, allows you to borrow against the available equity in your home giving you the financial space for larger expenses, or the ability to consolidate high-interest debt on other loans. With the potential for lower interest rates, HELOCs can be a great alternative to credit cards. But what’s the best use of this line of credit? ...Read More

What are Escrow Accounts?

Escrow accounts are used to pay property taxes, insurance, and other charges. Your mortgage company usually creates the account for you. Your taxes and insurance are part of your monthly mortgage payment. These are placed in your escrow account. The money stays there until it’s time for the mortgage company to pay your property taxes and insurance premium. ...Read More